Meet The Owner

 Meet Christine, 
Owner of ,
Christine's Custom Cakes

Hello everyone!  

I am very proud of all of the accomplishments I have made in my life; as they have brought me to where I am and who I am today.  To tell you a little bit about myself.......

I am a mother of a wonderful little boy and I adore my family of three!  My fiance is quite the helper when it comes to thinking and planning for a cake!  
I am also, alumni to Bridgewater College Class of 2010, Bachelor of Arts in English!

I am one of five children and smack dab in the middle!  I have two older sisters and two younger brothers.  When we were younger my parents put us into every extra curricular activity possible... I twirled Batons, did Tae-Kwon-Do (I earned black belt with first degree), Ruritan Club, Ruriteen Club, Girl Scouts, Venturing Crew, Chorale, and many many more!  My parents raised us to be involved within our community and help our fellow citizens in every way possible.  

Then, I went to college, determined to become an English teacher by the end!  I had awesome grades and absolutely loved my classes, yes, even the ones I crammed at 2 A.M. for!  By the end of my sophomore year I learned that I was with child and then decisions and actions began to change.  I still went to school, but instead of continuing with the education portion of my major, I decided to do solely English.  I was working, going to school, and dealing with becoming a mother.  Stressful, but definitely not impossible!!!  (The reason this part of the story is important is this is how my cake decorating began!)  I even managed to make Dean's list (yes, after having my son)!!!

I made a few cakes during college and after graduation for family and friends.    But, it all began with the first cake ever made for my son, a Monkey.  (There is a blog post about it the story).  I work as a full time nanny currently and it is the best job in the world!  I get to be with my son, take care of two wonderful children, incorporate my cake business directly into it, and my bosses are extremely wonderful people.  (Especially with allowing me to strive with my cake decorating while working for them)

I absolutely love decorating cakes that do not look the same as you would buy from a grocery store.  I find them unique, creative, fun, and inventive!  I put as much effort into every cake that my body can allow me to and my son LOVES when mommy has a cake order!  He gets the leftover icing!!!!!  He is always a happy camper!  

So, that is a glimpse into my life and who Christine is behind the title!  

<<<-----I would have never started Christine's Custom Cakes without him!

A big thank you to my parents ----->>>

<<<-----My siblings, uncle, and myself!  All awesome support for me!